They have not accepted my wife in this country.

I’m a British citizen & we have been married almost 6 years. And she was on the signing, daily reporting, monthly reporting. They detained her. They’re saying that she has overstayed and that she must claim asylum. She wasn’t overstayed at all.

I am suffering from epilepsy.

We have been married since July, 2012. And we were living together before.

In October when she was reporting. The issue they took was in November. They cancel the ticket.

They put her case to judicial review. The application has been accepted.

The letter they are giving me now, says we are not married at all. That she has no right to stay in this country.

We are suffering in our married life. I have a physical disability. And the Home Office is not accepting at all that this is a general marriage. I have got all statements from the Home Office & they said they can report anytime. They have not accepted my wife in this country. They said I can go & settle with life in India. I’m here since 1980 from a very young age & now I have no family relation over there – no brothers or sisters & my parents are no longer.

The Home Office saying to me I can go back to India with my wife because she is an Indian national.

knock-knock is anyone listening?

Rory is still in the block (after more than a week) and still not eating….how long can a person be placed in isolation in a detention centre for that long? Surely there got to be some kind of law prohibiting this kind of behaviour by prison officers. After all we are supposed to be treated as civilians and not prisoners. It is still not clear why he is being kept in the block. Even those who are involved in fighting or those found in possession of banned items are not kept that long in isolation. The official name for the Block is CSU (care & separation unit), that’s an oxymoron, my friend is being tortured there right now as we speak and I believe some thing should be done about it. This is Great Britain! if this is tolerated, then it can be argued, strongly in my view, the only thing that is separating Great Britain and Nazi Germany is those gas chambers. Maybe those words are a bit too strong, but the truth hurt. But that is how strongly I feel about the injustice we are being subjected to. If you think those words are strong; multiply that by a hundred fold; that’s the strength of the pain we under. Being a foreigner does not make me any less human…..I feel pain too. Indefinite detention is inhumane therefore a Shame…..being isolated in a detention centre for more than a week without food is tragic and criminal. knock-knock is anyone listening? speak up for the voiceless you are our only voice …and hope!